Full Access Members and Deal Finders - Better Plan Breakdowns
The breakdown for Full Access Members and Deal Finders is not very 'friendly' for startups. The Basic Plan should have up to 2 Full Access members as my wife and I run the business and need to be able to modify/see all aspects. Also, perhaps consider adding a few more Plan options? The jump from 2 Deal Finders to 300 just doesn't make any sense. How bout 10? or 25? Or maybe even an upgrade option to purchase "10 Additional Deal Finders"? But at the very least, 2 Full access in the Basic Plan is a must, please.
I would suggest the following:
Personal: 1 Full Access; 1 Deal Finder
Basic: 2 Full; 3 Deal Finders
Plus: 2 Full; 10 Deal Finders
Premium: 2 Full; 25 Deal Finders
Advanced: 3 Full; 50 Deal Finders
Professional: 3 Full; 100 Deal Finders
Elite: 4 Full; 200 Deal Finders
Enterprise: 5 Full; 300 Deal Finders
As mentioned, options to purchase 10 additional Deal Finders or 1 Full Access member would be pretty neat!
Thank you for your consideration!!
Comments: 25
27 Feb, '20
Brian Austin MergedThe larger plan is too much for my business. But I would like to have an option to add dealfinders on the basic or mid range plan. Right now the basic is perfect, accept that I need three dealfinders like the old basic plan.
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23 Mar, '20
elise@dealmachine.com Admin Merged"Pay per Dealfinder" (suggested by Brian Austin on 2020-02-29), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
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09 Apr, '20
elise@dealmachine.com Admin"More user otions" (suggested by Peter Hundley on 2020-03-28), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
21 May, '20
Mike Watkins MergedCan deal machine be free to get in and 150$/m to upgrade? If any one can get in then it would generate more money as every one would be paying 90 cents a postcard.
The structure as follows
Free - 90 cent postcards and tracing
150 - 80 sent postcards and tracing
50$/month will recoup after 56 postcards each month. -
30 May, '20
Kayla MergedInstead of paying a hefty subscription for 3-4 more dealfinders, just pay per head a little more every month to have them on your team
29 Jun, '20
John BurkeI would love to be able to use 2 different mailing addresses in professional plan.
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29 Jun, '20
Kay NorrisI would love to use 2 different mailing addresses in the professional plan, as my partner and I live in different counties, and want our mail to come back to the person who sent it.
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16 Dec, '20
Blake Lambert MergedI desperately agree with this as well. I don't need 300 deal finders, but I would like more than 2 and like to build my team as I can afford it and as the market sees fit. A "Pay per Deal finder" option is the solution. Please, Please, Please start this when you can. Many thanks !!!
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17 Mar, '21
Tremayne Tatem MergedIt doesn't make sense when added DealFinder # 3 you have to jump from the $99 / month Professional package to the $2,990 package. I do not understand the logic behind that. Why not a $299/ month package. And reserve enterprise for your superusers.
27 Mar, '21
Zaire Jackson MergedTo offer an ultimatum is terrible. Currently you have 3 packages. The LIST ENGINE $49 PER MONTH. STREET ENGINE $99 AND STREET ENGINE ENTERPRISE $2990 ANNUALLY. How come there isn't a package offer for someone in between STREET ENGINE AND STREET ENGINE ENTERPRISE. There should be another valued package that gives more leads per month for someone on a budget. To jump from $99 per month for 1000 leads a month to a blasphemous $2990 annual payment for unlimited leads is extreme! There definitely needs to be an in between package setup and added to deal machine to better assist and value the members. Everyone cant afford the enterprise package, but a ton of people can afford a $500 per month package with 4000-5000 leads MAXIMUM per month
29 Mar, '21
Nate Dunlevy Admin Merged"Add another Pacakge Feature. EXAMPLE: $499 PER MONTH. 4000 LEADS PER MONTH" (suggested by Zaire Jackson on 2021-03-27), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
07 Apr, '21
Eric Lyman MergedI have the need to pin more than 1000 properties in a calendar month but I am also a new investor and am not prepared to make the jump up to the enterprise plan with it's 10,000 / month limit. I could really use something in the 2000-2500 pin / month range. Maybe at a $150 / month price point? Otherwise I may have to look at alternative solutions to meet my needs :/
07 Apr, '21
Nate Dunlevy Admin Merged"New pricing tier" (suggested by Eric Lyman on 2021-04-07), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
19 Apr, '21
Tara Kiernan MergedWish there was a price range between the Professional and Enterprise Plans. My company is just starting out and the Enterprise Plan is very expensive for a new biz, but we would like to add more than just 2 drivers at this time which is all the Professional Plan allows. Would love a mid tier package with more drivers or the ability to pay a small fee per extra driver on the professional plan.
19 Apr, '21
Nate Dunlevy Admin Merged"Mid Tier Level OR Pay per Driver on Professional Plan" (suggested by Tara Kiernan on 2021-04-19), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
21 Apr, '21
Nate Dunlevy Admin Merged"Free pay structure" (suggested by Mike Watkins on 2020-05-21), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
04 Jun, '21
Carson Emery MergedThe price to put my account on hold seems to be such a slight discount to the current rate that I am paying it almost doesn't make sense to put it on hold.
16 Jun, '21
david VictorI would like to see an add on cost option PER driver, so you can grow/scale according to budget/needs vs jumping straight to the way higher Enterprise. Professional with only 2 drivers is too low , and cumbersome to have multiple Professional accounts if your need is only a hand full of drivers
Thanks for your consideration -
07 Jul, '21
Nate Dunlevy Admin Merged"Pay add-on fee for extra deal finders" (suggested by Kayla on 2020-05-30), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
11 Nov, '21
Don ChamberlinThis really needs greater attention by DealMachine. The app only supports small 1-2 person businesses or large teams (with the top-tier Elite option - which is a $4k upfront charge). A small business can't effectively use the app. For example, if I want to hire two drivers (to use the two driver seats), then I - as the manager - can't have access to the "Drivers" part of the app! Even if I'm technically not a driver, the only way I can see what my drivers are doing is to take up a license as a Driver. So - if I want more than one driver (other than me), this app won't work.
As a small business owner with a small team, the startup costs for additional drivers are prohibitive, and the current licensing scheme is impractical.
There needs to be a way to effectively scale up the number of users. Going from 2 to 300 is NOT practical. -
18 Feb, '22
Nate Dunlevy Admin Merged"Lower cost to put an account on hold" (suggested by Carson Emery on 2021-06-04), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
18 Feb, '22
Nate Dunlevy Admin Merged"Lower cost to put an account on hold" (suggested by Carson Emery on 2021-06-04), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
24 Feb, '22
Nate Dunlevy Admin"Reevaluate Pricing Model" (suggested by Tremayne Tatem on 2021-03-17), including upvotes (7) and comments (13), was merged into this suggestion.
28 Mar, '22
Nate Dunlevy Admin"More Dealfinders" (suggested by Brian Austin on 2020-02-27), including upvotes (8) and comments (2), was merged into this suggestion.
04 May, '22
larryI couldn't agree more, there should be other options to grow in a logical staged progression before wanting or needing the elite plan