Always display "Next Property" button in the mobile app when driving an existing list

25 votes

One of the marketing strategies I'm using is "Reverse D4D" which is putting a sticky note on someone's front door saying, I have a question about your property, please give me a call. I thought DM would be perfect for this, because you can create a list, then click "drive this list." In practice it's been frustrating. The UI within the mobile app needs a few enhancements to this feature.

The app displays the next property you're driving to, but until you actually get there the only button available is "Start Mail" (which takes up the entire width of the screen). When the app registers that you've arrived, only then will it shrink "Start Mail" and show the "Next Property" button, but "Next Property" should always be visible (e.g. I want to skip a property for some reason) in my opinion.

Happy to chat about this if someone at DM has questions/would like me to clarify anything.

Under consideration Suggested by: Daniel Denon Upvoted: 14 Nov Comments: 3

Comments: 3