Team Member - Deal Status Email notification
We need to have notifications sent out to our deal finders when the status of one of their deals changes from something major.
The types that trigger an email could be: "Offer Sent", "Deal Won", "Deal Lost", "Unqualified", & "In Trash"
It would be good to have a generic description of what the current step entails and what to expect next.
Also, having the emailed styled in DealMachine's style with a picture of the property would be a nice touch.
Comments: 5
17 Dec, '19
Edward Russo MergedI recruited bird dogs in the past my big issue they constantly call you or email you what's going on on the leads if your app can automatically update the status that would be phenomenal
18 Feb, '20
Dave RichardsGreat app but i cant beleive they dont have a status email notification for house hunters keeping house hunters updated is very important otherwise they all quit
13 Aug, '21
Dan Regan Admin"Notify deal finders status automatically" (suggested by Edward Russo on 2019-12-17), including upvotes (3) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
06 Apr
Alonso del CastilloHas this been updated yet? Does the app updates the drivers when there's a new status in their leads? Please let me know. Thank you!
11 Apr
Dan Regan AdminThis area of the app has not been updated yet. It is still on our roadmap!