A calendar to see what days you sent post cards, when owners are gonna receive postcards and when repeat mails are going out. Also to see which properties you sent, which ones are gonna receive.
Comments: 5
15 Dec, '19
SheriAlso, add to this...send the notification of postcards to be mailed a day or two in advance rather than the day of.
12 Feb, '20 Admin"Mailer date" (suggested by Terry Hynicker on 2020-02-10), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
12 Feb, '20 Admin"track number of postcards I have going out" (suggested by Eric Majcher on 2020-01-15), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
19 May, '20
BlakeIf you could set reminders on the calendar it would also be really helpful. Say I make an offer that is denied but want to follow up with them in a month. I will forget without a reminder.
11 Sep, '20
Dan Walland to track followup calls and other "things to do"