Need ability to capture notes section in the Excel (CSV) export file
Would like the ability to write a 1 sentence blurb about the property in question and when exporting my data to see this 1 sentence blurb.
Comments: 15
06 Jan, '20 Admin"Download NOTES with .csv" (suggested by Nick on 2019-12-11), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
23 Mar, '20 Admin"Notes" (suggested by eli haliva on 2020-03-02), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
28 Apr, '20
Kev MergedWould like to be able to download the notes we write on each deal.
28 May, '20
Kish I MergedWould love the feature to be able to see notes i took about each property when driving when I export the data into a spreadsheet out of DM. When I export this data into my dialer, I want to see if the property is land/sf/multi family because for me the scripts are different.
30 Jun, '20
Johnny McCune MergedThe current tags button is so small it took me days to find. And the accuracy it takes to correctly hit the button makes it unusable while on the move. Please make this button 3x larger. Thanks!
13 Jul, '20 Admin"Make notes available when exporting leads" (suggested by Ebonye White on 2020-07-12), including upvotes (0) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
19 Jul, '20
Thomas MergedIt would be really helpful if notes were exported in a column as well. I take notes on every property I add, so that information is important.
19 Jun, '21
Doug Aguilar MergedWe can export all of the other data except the most important thing.... NOTES! It’d be great if we could export the notes along with the other data, as some of us use DealMachine as a CRM. It’s designed as a CRM so the need to export notes is a must.
23 Jun, '21
Nate Dunlevy Admin Merged"EXPORTING NOTES IS NEEDED" (suggested by Doug Aguilar on 2021-06-19), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
23 Jun, '21
Nate Dunlevy Admin"Export Notes in Excel" (suggested by Thomas on 2020-07-19), including upvotes (2) and comments (2), was merged into this suggestion.
24 Feb, '22
Dan Regan Admin Merged"Be able to download the notes" (suggested by Kev on 2020-04-28), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
05 Apr, '22
Nate Dunlevy Admin Merged"Include NOTE fields in the EXPORT spreadsheet" (suggested by Rad Rob on 2021-11-18), including upvotes (2) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
05 Apr, '22
Nate Dunlevy Admin"ADD NOTES WHEN EXPORTING DATA" (suggested by Kish I on 2020-05-28), including upvotes (4) and comments (4), was merged into this suggestion.
19 Mar
Dan Regan Admin"add a quick tag button next to address. Also allow notes and property tags to be exported" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2019-12-13), including upvotes (4) and comments (1), was merged into this suggestion.