Bulk data uploads
Please add a feature for bulk data uploads to the Enterprise accounts.
Sometimes our DealFinders have spreadsheets with properties they’ve been tracking prior to joining our DM team. We would like those sheets to be able to be uploaded and associated with their account.
To save money, offer XXX uploads per week or month and then charge DealCredits for going over the limit.
The money used in looking up the basic skip trace for these uploads should be recouped with the purchase of recurring postcard campaigns.
Also, have some way to denote that the uploads were not entered using the traditional method within DM.
Comments: 30
23 Feb, '19
Claude ToussaintI was talking with AJ in the help chat about this and forwarded me an answer from Josh about the possible high costs with this option so i was told to post my suggestion here
yeah i totally get what Josh is saying and completely agree with him. thats why i think the easiest solution since people that have a list usually already have names and etc. so when we bulk upload a list you guys shouldn't search for name or address or anything just tag the property location based on address we provide. -
23 Apr, '19
elise@dealmachine.com Admin"Upload Lead Lists" (suggested by Kory Roisum on 2019-02-18), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
20 May, '19
EricI would be willing to accept the option of uploading lists of PREVIOUSLY EXISTING LEADS that have new DATA.
So instead of uploading 5000 new contacts not used by DealMachine, we would be able to upload and update the 1000 contacts we previously exported to batch skip trace. -
22 May, '19
elise@dealmachine.com Admin"Bulk data uploads of PREVIOUSLY entered DealMachine Leads to update data" (suggested by Eric on 2019-05-20), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
28 Jun, '19
PaulI’d like an upload option in general.
It is much easier to edit property owners going down a sheet then within the app.
I’d like the option to be able to re-upload the new cleaned up exported list -
27 Jul, '19
Garrett M.I recently went through uploading a manually compiled list that had no pictures. It was a pain to re-drive the routes to gather pictures because there was no way to filter by properties without pictures. It would be nice if there was a filter for this or color coding to indicate homes that need pictures.
27 Aug, '19
Preston RutherfordIt would be wonderful to be able to perform searches within the DealMachine platform for, for instance, for unit properties that have over 3600 ft.², and I have no new mortgage origination in the last 10 years. Then, I could select multiple properties in bulk, which would help me send a lot more postcards with you guys! Alternately, being able to upload a spreadsheet of addresses Would also be extremely helpful in getting me to spend a lot more on DealMachine, and scale up my mailings a lot
06 Sep, '19
Garland BestAs stated earlier by Claude, our lists already contain owner information. We just need the ability to import them into the app.
15 Sep, '19
BrieerCan this also be added for basic users
01 Oct, '19
elise@dealmachine.com Admin Merged"Upload addresses To create optimal route." (suggested by Marwan Itayim on 2019-09-27), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
01 Oct, '19
elise@dealmachine.com Admin"Bulk address uploads" (suggested by Garland Best on 2019-09-06), including upvotes (2) and comments (1), was merged into this suggestion.
01 Oct, '19
elise@dealmachine.com Admin"MAIL MY DATA" (suggested by John Gettle III on 2019-09-20), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
10 Oct, '19
TomThis would be very useful. I have 500+ properties I want to mail and don't want to enter them manually.
02 Dec, '19
elise@dealmachine.com Admin"Import" (suggested by Ronald Chrichlow on 2019-11-07), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
02 Dec, '19
elise@dealmachine.com Admin"Bulk Upload Property Lists" (suggested by josh on 2019-10-21), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
07 Dec, '19
DIANA RIVERAI just want to be able to import so that I can use the mailers feature. I dont always have time to DFD, it would make it more worthwhile if i can also use this app to import other lists (like from propsteam) for mailers to go out to. At this point I may cancel until the feature is available.
03 Jan, '20
elise@dealmachine.com Admin"Import Leads to mail" (suggested by Michael on 2020-01-03), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
03 Jan, '20
elise@dealmachine.com Admin"Import list of addresses" (suggested by Mark G. on 2019-12-10), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
06 Jan, '20
elise@dealmachine.com Admin"will there be an option in the future to Import a list for mailing purposes.. Not just D4D properti" (suggested by Robin Hurt on 2019-12-04), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
12 Feb, '20
elise@dealmachine.com Admin"Import Your Own List" (suggested by Cory on 2020-02-05), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
12 Feb, '20
elise@dealmachine.com Admin"Import Excel or CSV file of prospective sellers' names, addresses, phone numbers into DealMachine" (suggested by Sharon Webb on 2020-01-10), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
26 Mar, '20
Phil GoreThis would be great because several of my lists don't have names and this would speed up the process and gathering the data required to skiptrace and market to.
08 Apr, '20
mike WatkinsI would like to upload a list and have it grab the Google street view pic too.
09 Apr, '20
elise@dealmachine.com Admin"Import your own list" (suggested by Roger Bremmer Jr on 2020-04-05), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
09 Apr, '20
elise@dealmachine.com Admin"upload CSV file" (suggested by Bud Evans on 2020-03-29), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
01 Jun, '20
Sean McClureI was just about ready to ask support if we could do this. Would love to bulk upload and pull down google pics and send cards.
20 Jul, '20
AngieIt would be nice to be able to export DM deals, edit them in excel and then upload that same list back into DM to merge and update the list with the changes that were made in excel.
29 Aug, '20
AlexYes much needed!
10 Aug
Aaron PerezI think there should be a way to add a bulklist into deal machine without it automatically being skipped treace, for example I use deal machine for that, but in massive lists there are alot of leads that dont get a phone numner, same for LLC's , so I been having a VA do manuel research for this creatig numbers for leads that deal machine didnt pull, But I want to be able to upload that list and use deal machine dialer, however if I have a list with numbers on it already and that specific list I need the dialer only for, the list will be skipped by deal machine instead of what I worked on to get, it forces me to have to use another dialer as more detialed list I like the single line dialer. and it sux I use deal machine for everything else ,but if i ever wanted to upload a list and didnt want skip tracing cause its a list I already have phone numbers for, I cant do that, it be great to have an optiont to click what you want skipped, phone numbers, emails, mailing address etc, or no skip
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02 Nov
BrendanI agree with Aaron Perez. There should be a way to use the dialer for all properties that are bulk uploaded into Deal Machine. I have tried uploading lists for commercial properties like Motels, RV Parks, Storage Facilities, etc. I have the address and business phone numbers from Google and other directories but Deal Machine often does not recognize the address that I upload so I can't use the dialer to call these businesses that I already have the business phone number. It makes it impossible to use DealMachine as a single source of truth for our lists when you automatically discard any property that is not found in your system. This is a big flaw. We need a way to still upload ALL listings from a CSV file where we can manually try to resolve the errors from within DealMachine UI and/or call them in the dialer if we uploaded the phone number.